Little Tart loves it all…most of the time

Posted on: June 5, 2008

Via AP

“President George W. Bush and his top policymakers misstated Saddam Hussein’s links to terrorism and ignored doubts among intelligence agencies about Iraq’s arms programs as they made a case for war, the Senate intelligence committee reported on Thursday.”

I can has impeachment?

Posted on: May 22, 2008

To all you Hillary supporters who say things as brilliant as Evelyn Norena’s statement that “she’ll vote for McCain in November, partly because she believes Clinton got cheated by her party. ‘They would force me,” she said. ‘

Go the fuck ahead.  Get out of my party.  You are not a democrat and you were never going to vote democratic.  A real democrat would never look at McCain as a viable option.  Clinton’s beliefs are closer to Obama’s than McCain’s, and yet Obama, your supposed party’s candidate is a worse choice than a formerly independent now rigidly conformist republican candidate?  How’s that?

There’s the door – don’t let it hit your ass on the way out.


Taken on Urban Dictionary


It is a little strange that when I was looking up “Kool Aid” on Urban Dictionary, one of the paid advertisements was a video link to the Scientology Video Channel.


While I personally have no beef with scientologists, I am not sure that is a connection they want to be making.




I want to take a moment to thank Hillary Clinton and her supporters.  This was a hard election cycle for the Democratic party, but I believe it has made us tougher as a party.  It has given us the ability to fight!  That vigor will do right by us in November.  Take the time you need to gather your selves, we can wait.  We will be here when you are ready to work together for the General Election.  Together the Democrats can make the White House ours again.


Solidarity means we can make a change!

New Day

Posted on: May 1, 2008

     The last few days I have been horribly depressed. I am not prone to nihilism by nature, and I am often dismissive of the existential malaise so many of my generation thrive on. However, the combination of food riots internationally, global inflation, my allergies and the democratic party’s protracted and increasing destructive primary have sent me into a tailspin resulting in hours spent reading urban survivalist websites, pricing bike trailers (for hauling water and cats into the wilderness), and learning about bee husbandry so I am prepared to cultivate my own honey when “Post Peak Oil” destroys my comfortable American lifestyle. Yes, I am in a bit of a crisis. A crisis that makes me want to cry out “WAKE UP YOU FOOLS! PUT DOWN THE IPOD, STEP AWAY FROM YOUR SUV, DON”T BUY THOSE POP-TARTS, STOP PAYING YOUR MORTAGE, BECAUSE THE WORLD IS ABOUT TO END! THE SKY IS FALLING, THE SKY IS FALLING…THE SKY IS FALLING” before rolling into the fetal position and sobbing helplessly. I have restrained my self so far, though last night I participated in a lifestyle defining purchase that many in the left or left leaning community would find objectionable, but I found oddly, and uncomfortably, comforting.

     I have no new insights to bring to the table on any of these fronts. I am being reactive not proactive and so I am depressed because… well…the sky is falling. Or so it felt until this morning when I read the remarkable open letter written by Joseph J. Andrew regarding his endorsement shift from Senator Clinton to Senator Obama.

     My funk has removed the ability to bring analysis to this fine text, so all I can do is urge everyone to read what he has to say and take it to heart. For myself, it has brought hope to my dark worldview as well as tears. I would like to share what caused the tears, because it is a strong reminder of what is good and right in the world:

“The difference between the Republican Party and the Democratic Party is that you are always welcome in the Democratic Party.

Because Democrats don’t care if you are black or white or brown or a nice shade of green, you are welcome in the Democratic Party.

We don’t care if you pray in a church or a synagogue or a temple or a mosque, or just before math tests, you are welcome in the Democratic Party.

We don’t care if you are young or old, or just don’t want to tell your age, you are welcome in the Democratic Party.

We don’t care what gender you are, or what gender you want to hold hands with; as long as you want to hold hands, you are welcome in the Democratic Party.

We don’t care about the size of your bank account, just the size of your heart; and we don’t care where you are today, just where you dream you want to be tomorrow.

That is your Democratic Party.

That is Barack Obama’s Democratic Party.

That is the Party that will win in November.”


      The world might be bleak today, but Mr. Andrew’s words of wisdom and endorsement of hope are inspirational in my dark time.  I am sure that Senator Clinton’s war hounds will have already begun tearing at his flesh and bellowing to the heavens over this insult to their candidate.  By doing so they reinforce his reasoning and prove how brave he was for looking at the future and the past and the present and choosing to work for hope in a moment that needs hope more than anything else.  I finally feel that something has broke free and we are going to see a change occur.

Posted on: April 17, 2008

     I am not a scientist wonk, nor am I particularly a science wonk, but when I learned about The Chaos Theory in high school, my world fundamentally shifted and I began to perceive the universe holistically.  I did not know the name of the man who presented the Chaos Theory, but his work influenced my life every day. Today I learned his name.  He was Edward Lorenz, and he has died. I might not have known his name before, but I know it now, and I want to thank him for unifying my world.



Posted on: April 16, 2008

Hillary Clinton

From Ap: “Clinton must aim to take advantage of the spotlight and continue to cast doubt about Obama’s electability in November.”

Hillary Clinton can’t get through the DEMOCRATIC PRIMARY, how on earth is she any more electable that Barack Obama?  Did I miss the memo about how Republicans really want to vote for Hillary, but those pesky primary party preference rules the reason they can’t?  How ON freaking earth can the woman make an argument about his un-electablity when she can’t rally a majority of support within her OWN party?  What planet…geez

I do have to say that I think the above is a very nice picture of HRC.  While I don’t often agree with the Baby-Boomer Feminist mumbo-jumbo surrounding Hillary’s campaign, I do believe the media uses unflattering pictures (consciously or unconciously, you decided).  This one, from a foriegn news source, is both flattering and professional.

Posted on: April 13, 2008

Obama on Charlie Rose in 2004:


And they have a right to be!

The Obama “bitter” controversy is out of hand!  I lived in Pittsburgh, PA for 3 years.  I grew up in the industrial Midwest – also known as the Rustbelt – of which Pennsylvania is part.  25-30 years ago the jobs that regular people worked; The jobs that in the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s put kids through college, bought summer cabins and speed boats, the jobs that allowed you to work hard, get your hands dirty and retire when you were 60 LEFT for foreign soil.  Washington D.C. and the political establishment betrayed the working middle class.  The white collar children who benefited from their parents’ blue collar jobs betrayed the working middle class.   If you have ever been to Pittsburgh, PA you would see that betrayal is happening today.  That betrayal continued all through the “prosperous” Clinton years. Years when the majority of the country saw economic growth, but Western Pennsylvanians saw 60 year old men who had worked hard their whole life competing for minimum wage convenience store jobs because there were no more options.

        Are rural, suburban and former industrialized urban Pennsylvanians bitter?  Absolutely.  Do they take comfort in conservative values, religion, gun ownership and xenophobia?  Absolutely.

        When I lived in Pittsburgh I lived on Carson Street on the Southside and I lived on Mount Washington.  Geographically they are at most 2 miles and up a steep mountainside from each other.  It was an unpleasant 20 minute walk or a 3 minute cable car ride.  Many of the residents had not made that trip in years.  Men my age (26 at the time) recalled going “downtown” as a child.  Downtown was 2.5 miles from where they lived.  Pittsburghers no longer go “downtown” because of the “crime”.  By crime, they actually mean Black People.  Pittsburghers, and by this I mean multi-generational families of eastern European descent who live within blocks of the homes they grew up in and socialize only with people they have known their whole lives, are the most narrow minded insolated people I have ever interacted with.  They are bitter.  Bitter because they are told by liberals and conservatives, democrats and republicans, academics and intellectuals, that as white people they are part of the ruling class in this country.  That they should be grateful for the prosperity and the opportunities this country has to offer them.  When their ancestors came to fill the steel mills and coal mines with cheap labor they were grateful. When they could afford to send their kids to college they were grateful.  What on earth do they have to be grateful for today?  If every time you left home and some pissed on your head and told you it was raining, you’d start staying at home too.   

        Did Obama word his statement wrongly?  I don’t know.  I read the speech – it seems pretty straight forward to me.  I didn’t take it a derogatory; I took it as pretty factual.  My guess is that Hillary Clinton and John McCain have never been deeper into Western Pennsylvania than the University of Pittsburgh Campus or the home of their biggest donor.  Because if they had, they would know that Pennsylvanians are bitter, and they have EVERY FUCKING RIGHT TO BE!

For those who have not read the comments, here they are:

Here’s how it is: in a lot of these communities in big industrial states like Ohio and Pennsylvania, people have been beaten down so long, and they feel so betrayed by government, and when they hear a pitch that is premised on not being cynical about government, then a part of them just doesn’t buy it. And when it’s delivered by — it’s true that when it’s delivered by a 46-year-old black man named Barack Obama (laugher), then that adds another layer of skepticism (laughter). […]

But the truth is, is that, our challenge is to get people persuaded that we can make progress when there’s not evidence of that in their daily lives. You go into some of these small towns in Pennsylvania, and like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing’s replaced them. And they fell through the Clinton administration, and the Bush administration, and each successive administration has said that somehow these communities are gonna regenerate and they have not. So it’s not surprising then that they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.

Posted on: April 3, 2008

I’m not going to reveal the source of this email, but since I basicly agree I thought I would post it:

… its’ OK to throw out the envelope from the DNC saying “YOUR MEMBERSHIP HAS LAPSED!” — a demand for your membership renewal? I feel like any money we want to spend on politics should go to the Obama campaign. Some shithead milktoast pansy liberal from THE NATION was berating Obama on FORUM for not being liberal enough and for being a political opportunist. WTF? A writer for THE NATION wants fucking McCain to win? Fucking get on the boat, motherfucker.